Lakes in North-East Italy Free, high resolution Wall-papers of beautiful lakes surrounded by mountains
Alps mountains in the north-east part of Italy that borders with Austria and Slovenia have some beautiful lakes. In this collection of wall-papers you will find images from four places - two tiny lakes from a place called Laghetti near the small town of Arsiero in Veneto; Levico lake near Trento; Caldonazzo lake near Trento; and finally Lavarone lake.
I prefer these lakes in the spring and summer. In winter, their cold beauty is completely different as you can see from the two wall-papers of winter in Laghetti. All the images are by Sunil Deepak. If you use these wall-paper images any where, please do remember to give due credit and where possible, link to this page.
Click on the images to open a new page with the high resolution wall-paper. Right-click on the image and save it in the folder of your wallpapers on your computer/tablet or other device.
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Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 01:
Beautiful village of Laghetti near Arsiero in north-eastern part of Italy, in
Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 02:
Beautiful village of Laghetti near Arsiero in north-eastern part of Italy, in
Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 03:
Same village of Laghetti near Arsiero in north-eastern part of Italy, in winter
with the frozen lake
Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 04:
Another view of lake in the beautiful village of Laghetti near Arsiero in north-eastern part of Italy,
in winter with ice floating on the surface of water
Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 05:
The tiny Levico lake near Trento in north-eastern part of Italy
Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 06:
Ducks in the placid waters of the tiny Levico lake near Trento in north-eastern part of Italy
Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 07:
The placid waters of the tiny Levico lake near Trento in north-eastern part of Italy
Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 08:
One of my favourite wall-papers with tiny fishes (or are they frog larva?) in
the placid waters of the tiny Levico lake near Trento in north-eastern part of Italy
Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 09:
Caldonazzo lake near Trento in north-eastern part of Italy
Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 10:
Caldonazzo lake near Trento in north-eastern part of Italy
Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 11:
Caldonazzo lake near Trento in north-eastern part of Italy
Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 12:
Caldonazzo lake near Trento in north-eastern part of Italy seen from the
mountain road.
Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 13:
Beautiful Lavarone lake in north-eastern part of Italy
Lakes in north-east Italy Wall-paper 14:
Beautiful Lavarone lake in north-eastern part of Italy
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Check more free high resolution wallpapers by Sunil Deepak - Check Sunil's blog about wallpapers, The Art Wall