Where's Sandra? (2006) Works of Avijit Mukul Kishore
Credits: Doc./Short, Digital Video, 17.30 min; Producer: Celebrate Bandra Trust; Director: Paromita Vohra; Camera:Avijit Mukul Kishore; Actors: Tuhinaa Vohra, Sonali Verma, Rachel Lopez.
Who’s Sandra? If you saw her would you
know her? Is she naughty or nice? And where is she, anyway? The film is a playful look at
the figure of “Sandra from Bandra” – part covetous fantasy of the racy Christian girl from Bombay who works as a secretary,
wears a dress and likes to dance; part condescending stereotype of a dowdy, religious girl from a minority community.
The film searches for Sandra in Bollywood films, in the words of writers and poets and the stones in church graveyards. We encounter various claimants to the title – some who aren’t called Sandra and some who aren’t even from Bandra – until finally finding 5 women really called Sandra who are all as different from each other as can be even if they are a little bit the same.
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