Thirst Marketing Water Works of Avijit Mukul Kishore
Snitow-Kaufman Productions
Is water part of a shared "commons," a human right for all people? Or is it a commodity to be bought, sold, and traded in a global marketplace? "Thirst" tells the stories of communities in Bolivia, India, and the United States that are asking these fundamental questions.
Over a billion people lack access to safe drinking water. Each year, millions of children die of diseases caused by unsafe
water. The numbers are increasing. These facts drive a debate in the opening scenes of "Thirst" at the 2003 Third World Water Forum in
Kyoto, Japan. Politicians, international bankers, and corporate executives gather to decide who will control global fresh water supplies.
Their consensus for large dams and privatized, corporate water systems is challenged by experts and activists who assert that
water is a human right, not a commodity to be traded on the open market.
Oscar Olivera, a community leader from Bolivia, startles a panel of CEOs with his words, "Many of the companies represented here have stained the water with the blood of our compatriots." The film briefly shifts to Bolivia where Olivera leads a full-scale insurrection against a water privatization contract with the US-based Bechtel Corporation. Tens of thousands of people battle police and the army to protect their water rights. After a sharpshooter kills 17-year-old Victor Hugo Daza, the government is forced to expel one of the world’s most powerful corporations.
The central story in "Thirst" takes place in Stockton, California. Mayor Gary Podesto proposes to give control of the water system to a consortium of global water corporations. He is surprised by the reaction as Stockton residents create a new grassroots coalition to demand a say in the decision. They are worried about price hikes, water quality, and layoffs of public employees, who tend to be women or people of color. African American water plant supervisor Michael McDonald sees democracy itself at stake in this battle.
In India, a grassroots movement for water conservation has rejuvenated rivers, literally changing the desert landscape. Led by Rajendra Singh, who locals call "a modern day Gandhi", the movement opposes government efforts to sell water sources to companies like Coke and Pepsi. Singh journeys across India to organize resistance, finding millions eager to join his crusade.
The water activists from Bolivia, Stockton and India all meet at the World Water Forum in Kyoto as part of a new movement against global water privatization. As the Forum reaches it final day, no one anticipates the explosive outcome.
"Thirst": Short Credits - Produced and Directed by: Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman - Snitow and Kaufman produce and direct films on contemporary social issues. Their work includes "Blacks and Jews" (1997) and "Secrets of Silicon Valley" (2001) which have been widely screened and broadcast in the US and Europe. "Thirst" is their third film; Edited by: Kenji Yamamoto, Yamamoto is an acclaimed documentary and feature film editor whose work includes "Downside Up" and "Thousand Pieces of Gold"; Music Composed by: Fred Frith, Composer, improvisor and multi-instrumentalist, Frith situates his work in the zone where rock music and new music meet. Best known world-wide as an improvising guitarist, Frith has been writing for dance, film, and theatre for the last 20 years; Stockton Crew Principal Camera Vicente Franco, Sound John Bowler; Kyoto Crew Principal Camera Marsha Kahm, Sound Claudia Katayanagi; India Crew Principal Camera Avijit Mukul Kishore, Sound Girjashankar Vohra.
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